This should be obvious but prepping for transportation during a bug out situation is never the same for two people. Most SHTF disaster situations, such as a nuclear detonation, the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano, an EMP attack, or the finale of GoT, mean you might not have access to fuel for that gas-guzzling Bronco …
Grid Down
Have you ever been on a trip and pondered what the knife laws are to the particular state you’re visiting? If so, read on as we break down the laws of each state regarding your trusted EDC companion. The Knife & The Man When it comes to utensils, most men use it wherever necessary. But …
Last fall I stumbled across some YouTube videos that completely consumed my attention. The videos were of guys building shelters out of fallen trees. No music. No words. Just guys working in a primitive fashion. These “Bushcraft” videos displayed skills that seemed so practical. And they made camping look like children play. The next thing …
In February 2019 the deadliest outbreak of tornadoes ripped through Alabama in the past 6 years. At least 23 deaths have been reported with even more injuries from the severe weather outbreak. And this weekend another massive severe weather system is hitting the south and parts of the Midwest, so it seems like the perfect …
The recent dam collapse in Brazil which left over 300 people dead and around 150 people missing was a catastrophic failure of a local mining company. Now Dam Safety is an important topic. People are asking how being safe around dams. Our nation’s dams provide not only power and drinking water, but also flood control …
Today we’re going to talk about the new endurance trend that is both practical and great for Long Steady distance cardio, along with what kind of bag you need to do this activity. It’s called Rucking, or ruck marching, and the only gear you need is a Ruck Backpack and something to add weight to …
Many people are under the belief that everyday carry (EDC) enthusiasts are those who spend most of their time in the wilderness, which is the reason why they need tools, gadgets, and gizmos that come in handy when needed. This could not be farther from the truth. The stuff that we carry in our pockets …
From the backyard bomb shelters of the 40s to modern-day preppers of living life off the grid, canned foods have always been the go-to option when it comes to storing food once the lights go out. Now, I’m not going to argue that canned food is the healthiest option. But in an emergency situation where …
Most people don’t like to think about it but growing your own vegetables could provide your family with enough food to live off the grid. This is especially the case in times of economic turmoil, a natural hazard, or during times of war. The concept is known as a survival garden. It means that you …
For the emergency prepper, the harsh cold months are a season staple. While you can prep yourself for an emergency by building a backyard bunker or a survival garden, there’s very little that can be done to shield one’s self from the teeth-chattering cold, or is there? Portable heaters that run on electricity are a …