The recent dam collapse in Brazil which left over 300 people dead and around 150 people missing was a catastrophic failure of a local mining company. Now Dam Safety is an important topic. People are asking how being safe around dams. Our nation’s dams provide not only power and drinking water, but also flood control …
Most people don’t like to think about it but growing your own vegetables could provide your family with enough food to live off the grid. This is especially the case in times of economic turmoil, a natural hazard, or during times of war. The concept is known as a survival garden. It means that you …
What is an Altoids survival kit? If you have done any planning at all for a grid down situation then you know that you need a survival kit to offer you tools and assistance during this time. It can be tricky to choose the right options for your needs, which is why many people opt …
Having a survival kit on hand in case of an emergency is important and will ensure that you can handle any problems that you run into in a grid down situation. Because there are so many survival kits available on the market, it can be difficult to find the best survival kit for you. I …
Even though disasters can happen at any time and in any place, I know that there are many people who don’t give their survival a second thought. If you live in a city, then it is imperative that you understand the urban survival steps that you can take to ensure that you will be able …
Survivors survivors will help you get survivor’s down before you dive into survivors later. This article is about survivor’s and survivor’s. What are some of the best websites about survivors to buy survivor’s? Speaking of survivors, that’s what a survivor is all about. There are so many survivor’s on the internet today that think survivors …
There’s nothing wrong with being prepared and getting supplies for emergency scenarios. Here’s a great list of survival gear essentials that if you don’t have you should! #1 Use a LifeStraw for Safe Water Everyone knows how important safe drinking water is, and the LifeStraw Amazon offers makes it easy to filter out most of …